• 1-to-1 Teen Coaching
  • Face-to-face or Zoom where suitable
  • Bespoke Creative Coaching package
  • Flexible times (can include evenings & weekends)
  • Parent support session/follow-up
  • Bespoke Sibling/Family sessions available for a supplementary fee

“Somewhere inside us all is the power to change the world”

  Roald Dahl       

I believe that we are all whole, resourceful human beings.

As a Life Coach and as a human being I truly believe that each person is worthy and capable, even during times when that person isn’t quite sure how to believe it themselves!

As someone who has worked with Children and Young People across 25 years of my life and career I recognise the importance of building on the skills and strengths that they already have within them.  

Teens are filled with creativity, solutions, and also hold a natural resilience that is always worth tapping into.

As a coach I walk alongside any young person, guiding and teaching, until they are ready to take charge on their own.

How can coaching help teens?

Coaching can provide teens with an awareness of their own resilience and ways to maintain and build on this. Resilience tools and habits will enable them to navigate through the challenges and chaos that is the life of a teen.

Some of the common issues that come up for teens include relationships, resolving conflict, study, achievement, failure, pressures, inner critic, comparison, perfectionism, regulation of emotions and behaviours, change and moving on, and being caught in a loop of stress, anxiety, frustration and overwhelm based on any number of these factors.

As a coach I can support teens to work though many of these challenges, feelings, and emotions and bring ‘normality’ to some of these through exploring the science, biology, facts and logic behind many of them.

Feeling ‘normal’ can soften the catastrophic thinking that often occurs within the teen brain and helps us work through sessions together with a more practical and logical frame of mind.

As a coach I work with teens to build up a set of positive thinking habits that will support them now and with practice will provide  them with skills that will benefit them throughout life.

The teenage brain is going through a whole change process and working with me as your coach means that this can be explored in both a general and more personalised sense.

Having a real knowledge of how a teen brain and our emotions work can be so powerful as it allows teens to be aware of what is going on and be more ready and able to work with and through anything that comes their way.

What to expect?

I bring authenticity and empathy to the coaching space. I have learned to guide and teach others to build better lives for themselves through the many lessons I have learned through living my life.

I work face-to-face with teens, usually at the EmotionALL Studio, Hardengreen, Midlothian or through Zoom. I use a range of creative approaches and add a bit of fun into the coaching process.

As well as traditional listening and talking skills I use a range of mindfulness and relaxation practices, and I have games, books, activities and cards that teens love to use within and between coaching sessions.

We may use a bit of mindful movement, use a mat to aid meditation, visualisations and strength poses, and we frequently make craft items to take home as a signifier of the learning within the sessions.

I also apply a range of person-centred planning approaches. This allows a record of what is being said to be captured with pens and big paper. Young people appreciate that what they say is captured in writing/drawing and that they are able to take this away with them for processing later and for sharing where appropriate.

What will teens gain from coaching sessions?

Young people appreciate facts and logic as this allows for feeling of safety and security. 

Learning about the teenage brain and a range of ‘mindset hacks’ for working with this knowledge appeals to teens.

Teens generally like ‘proof’ and the way to gain this is by trying things out in ‘real life’. Only then are they convinced or unconvinced! Growth homework assist this process and accountability check-ins are included too.

A whole range of self-development topics are addressed in sessions allowing teens to develop a more mature mindset and outlook.

We all have thoughts and emotions that drive our behaviours.

This can be difficult when we have to fit into certain rules and establishments, be this family, school, or community.

As part of the coaching process teens will learn, develop, and practice positive thinking habits and regulation skills for working within specific settings and across life in general.

My wide experience of the schools setting and the processes within education allows me to have a unique perspective that I can share with children and young people and together we can build skills together to make plans for them to work with more positivity in the school setting.

What’s next

As an Emotional Wellbeing Coach I work with all people, old and young, big and small.

I am ready to coach you to build skills to deal with the challenges you face today and carry these skills forward to deal with all of your tomorrow's in emotionally healthy ways.

I am ready to coach you to develop your mindset so that you can think, see, and feel things with a more positive outlook.

  • Head to the Getting Started page with your parent or carer to kickstart your coaching journey.

Packages Available

If parent needs input over and above the package feedback,
parent coaching sessions are available at £70 per hour.

Coaching at

EmotionALL Coaching and Wellbeing Studio

32/8 Hardengreen Industrial Estate, Eskbank, EH22 3NX

Coaching is not a substitute for the therapeutic input some may require from CAMHS or a similar service, although I can and have worked alongside these professionals in a coaching capacity.

All teens need to know that what they say in sessions is confidential. In all sessions I would encourage teens to share relevant information themselves with parents/carers or give me permission to share certain aspects of their learning. This allows for the learning to grow and be practiced as part of growth homework.

It is always made clear to all clients that where I have any concerns about safety or risk of harm to self or others then I am obliged to pass that on.

Copyright © 2020-24 Pauline Lawson